Thursday, October 18, 2012


COCK: 9"
HEIGHT: 5'10""
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
AGE: 30
TURN ONS: "The first time I let a guy suck my cock was in front of a TIM camera, that was a major turn on."

1 comment:

  1. The first time I let someone suck my dick was in high school. Me, and a few other dudes were all hang'n out at a friends house. two of us were sitting on the bed and two were sitting on the floor watching TV. The smell of male ego was in the air and you knew we all wanted to feed it. I had made some comment about what was on tv and one of the dudes on the floor turned around really to respond to what I said. when he turned around his face was squareed between my legs with my buldge in his face. the other dudes in the room noticed this and one of them had a instant reaction of laugher. In that instant second I grabed the back of the head of dude that was now between my legs and ground his face in my cock. my cock got hard as I went into total attack mode. I immediately sat up and instictively pulled my cock out of my pants while forcing his head and face on my buldge. Once I had it out I forced it in his mouth. The power rush I felt from one head to the other was incredable. what was even better was the reaction of the other dudes in the room. you might think at at least one on then would have been resistant to the ugly, ruthlass power I had unleashed in the room. Instead they fed my ego even more. They laughed as I got even more bold. The more arrogant I got the weaker he got.Too this day the only thing I regret is that I decided to pull out and ejaculate on his bed than down his throught. I had forced another male to suck my dick in his own home in front of our mutual friends.


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