First off.. is now it is more extreme now with the name change. But back to the scene.. I thought it was hot and I was really impressed. Romeo and Nubius did a flip flop with each other and boy did I see something unexpected... Romeo pissed right on Nubius' face and I've never seen Nubius do that before and we all know Nubius is a freak! LOL. Romeo took Nubius' dick like no tomorrow and I thought that seeing the height difference between them that Romeo wasn't going to be able to handle fucking Nuibus, but I was wrong. He had that ass bouncing like crazy!!!Check out the scene... click on the pics to join!!!
Still love Nubius, but he's getting fat as he ages. He just has to tighten up, but he's still got it. OBTW, isn't sort of sad seeing an aging porn star getting old? Say like SexycOne, as the older he gets the fatter he gets, and his hairline has begun to recede. Ouch!