Friday, September 9, 2011

Trapboyy or MDONN: Who Do You Prefer?

So recently, I was getting countless emails about who fans thought was better: Trapboyy or Malo. But I really can't put these two in the same category because they both excel in their different niches!!MDONN is quickly taking his place as a super star bottom in the condom sex genre and Trapboyy is the undisputed "RAW BOTTOM KING" he is a beast at what he does as you can see by him winning every category he was nominated in at the Blatino Awards. I give both of them category for continuing to build and maintain an intense fan base. 


  1. I cnt believe this is a question look at mdonn nd look at trappboy lol.........raw scenes vs condom? He's on a first class ticket to the grave! He only excelled because he's done over 100 videos third being raw nd mdonn what 9 or 10. #done

  2. Trappboy produces.....Malo act like he scared to get freaky. Your doin porn stop bein so boojie girl!

  3. I am so tired of seeing Trapboyy. He is a overused messy bottom and my feeling is that his 15 minutes of fame are up so please find a new power bottom.He's not really all that hot just a sloppy, messy bottom.Enough already.

  4. Hahahaaha you guys made me laugh so hard with your comments but I have to join you and agree with you. Trapboyy who? Please give us a break.
    Even if I am not a fan of Mdonn, I will put my penny on him.

  5. They both are okay but i wouldnt say they are the baddest bttms that are out right now. But if i had to choose then i would go with Malo cuz he knows how to throw that ass back on the dick.

  6. I don't think malo was trying to become the "baddest bottom" he did some videos and they were hot so he said. I don't really get into the porn boyz. I am glad to see malo moving on with life and glad trap boy has won awards after making 5 million videos. *standing ovation "you finally did it!!" However this is a dumb comparison. The two pick don't lie. I'll go with TBoys loose body nd tht spacious asshole anyday 0_o

  7. I hate to pick one over the other because they are different. Trap Boyy is more experienced and gets into the date quicker but m-donn got them cup talk about a dugout between da cheeks...amazing!!

  8. I wish malo didn't retire so early. He was just getting started. However I'd pick malo over tboy seems like he has more going on in life. Nd he looks a lot better.

  9. Trap is a messy queen. Malo and him really don't care for each other. Trap is so fake. If I had to choose it would be the beautiful malo. I love the fact that his body sits the way it does now look at traps pic epic fail!!

  10. Malo is sitting Trap is dying! No mame!!!

  11. I hate to say it but Malo wins. His safe-sex advocacy is what gives him the leg-up on this one. Pun intended.


  12. you guys are so stupid lol please believe Malo is just as sick as TrapBoyy! He gets around Atlanta and has been fucked raw by several. Just cause the girl doesn't have raw sex on cam doesn't mean she don't at all! Cocky Boi fucked Malo raw and made it very public on twitter that his ass was just like the grand canyon! Anyway, id choose both lol because lets face it, they're both sexy!

  13. And Malo used to date Pornstar PM who in turn used to date Domino Star! and guess what its been said that Domino is sick too so if PM used to fuck Domino then Malo but then too didn't PM and TrapBoyy used to fuck around! I mean really lol Malo is no ones advocate for anything! LETS BE REAL!


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