Monday, September 5, 2011

Spotlight: Tyson Gay

A follow of mine on twitter ( @BigBooty_Rudy22 ) said he wanted a "TYSON GAY BOOTY" and you know me being Dunkin I had to know who he was talking about. So I tweeted him and another one of my followers ( @DatPhattyBoi ) told me he is one of the fastest people in the world. So you know I had to google him...and when I say this dude is bootylicious.. its beyond bootylicious ... he puts alot of chicks to shame with that ass of his. I guess it's true what they say.. dudes who run track have the best bodies.
He is the world record holder at 100m, the second fastest man in history, a world champion sprinter and an Olympian. He's a beast on the track.
Check him out!

1 comment:

  1. Half these pics are photoshopped.

    Here is a video I made showcasing it in all its glory:


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