Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Of My Favorite Scenes: The Business Trip

The Business Trip!
Hmm, who would have thought, that one of my favorite scenes would come from Breeditraw. I know!!! I wouldn't have thought that either. HAHAHA.. But the Business Trip is just one of the scenes that In my opinion, put both Cuban and Trapboyy on the map. They really made a name for themselves in this scene. I know Trapboyy wants no association with Breeditraw, but I think this is one of those scenes that when you join .. you see him show out!!!
Click on the gifs to join!!!

1 comment:

  1. Still one of my fave BIR scene I must say Cuban was the real nigga I miss him nowadays he's sexiness,big dick,swag,skinny ass he's fuckin' good he made BIR more valueable then before...


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