Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Penetrator XXX : Happy Birthday Thugzilla


So, guess what .. recently, Thugzilla turned 34 and what better way then celebrating his birthday with the penetrator. Hmm don't get wrong.. I would spend my birthday with him as well!!! Look at that dick... LOL. But back to the scene.. I didn't know Thugzilla was that short, OMG and I didn;t know the Penetrator was thick like that in the back.. I was like wow.. that's alot of ass and he was making it clap too.
The scene was HAWT.
Check out the preview video and then click on the pics to join!

1 comment:

  1. to me the penetrator is very ugly and thugzilla
    honey i'ts about time for you to retire! I mean next year he'll be 37 when is he going to give us a brake he to me he really never actually looked that good in the first place, with his short stature and little dick self! also I am surprised
    that he is supposedly be worth a lot of money!I do
    not understand why people would even buy anything from him!I just don't know why people would waste there hard earned money on that porn that we make
    so called urban porn or any other porn for that matter! that porn is cheap and low in quality.In fact there is no more quality out in society these days with anything you purchase! so my advice to people would be to keep your money in your pocket. because all of those models that you see in those videos are straight up homo sissified
    they really most of them don't belong in the nudie
    men bussiness ! I want to see some real men for a
    change some straight brothers. strippers in the hood! that's where the real action is ! peace!


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