Sunday, July 31, 2011

Can you nut from head?

Can you nut from head?
I know alot of dudes who can and who can't
Which are you?


  1. If the guy is really good at giving head, YES I can. And I'm a tough customer, because I've found most guys can't suck dick to save their lives.

    Hence why I've made myself an expert, and have made quite a few guys nut from me giving head. In fact, I just got a "protein shake" on me last night for it.

  2. Am I braggin' to say I've had very VERY few guys who I couldn't get to cum in my mouth. Now, I hate quickies, and I really do aim to please ...

    The few exceptions that I can remember at least jerked off and came in my face, so it wasn't a total FAIL.

    Got to give props to this guy who shoots with his dick swinging free in the air! Nice show!


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