Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thugsedection: V-Day

V-day is the latest update from the boys over at and it features fan favorite Flexx and newcomer B-Swagg. I think that stage name is cute and it has a sort of ring to it don't you think? Flexx is slowly becoming someone I see having a lot of potential in the industry. If he just sits back and watches I do believe he could emulate someone like Ace Rockwood because of their similar body structure and just aura. It's sorta hard to explain but thats how I feel. The scene was good, especially for Valentine's Day it was really fitting. Thugseduction is going to bring the heat to you guys and its just a matter of time before they take over the game. I just have a feeling because little by little each scene gets better and better. Its always good to pay attention to details.
The scene was hot ..I give it a B-
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  1. I think I need flexx & B-SWAG in my life that nigga look like he can suck some dick yo!


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