Dunkin: Who is Ian Rock?
Ian: Ian Rock, is first and foremost just another man; a man who is comfortable with who he is and what he likes. He speaks his mind, never biting his tongue which can be a good or a bad thing, and he's above all "real"; live in the real world like the next man, exist with the same issues and decisions. Oh, and I happen to have a very high sex drive; total top here, no shame in my game. LOL
Dunkin: So take Me back to when you 1st started doing porn, how did it get started? How did you get involved with Marc Williams? ( I know that was like your big break into the business).

Dunkin: Were you always interested in doing porn?
Ian: Yes and no is the best answer. I'd often thought of it; then dismissed it, taking into account family and friends opinion; and those things were always factored into my thinking. I don't know, I got to a certain point where I decided to do what I needed to do for me and experience what I've watched, critiqued and wondered about for some time. In addition I look at as an opportunity to show something different in the porn field; a different idea, vision of an ethnic man; an African American man;as there are many variations to us. I say all that to say, the opportunity presented itself perfectly, I felt that was a sign to move forward, and I did.
Dunkin: Who have been some of your favorite performers to work with?
Ian: Aarin Driver, Aaron Ridge, Osian, Scott Alexander, Juice and all the guys from BB6 ( Black Balled 6) including Dylan Sanders.
Dunkin: As performers do you find it important to regularly get tested?
Ian: I find it important to get tested just as a man, regardless to my "performance" status. Again, I live in reality, I practice safe sex but, there are so many factors , none of which we need to go into here, but that affect the health of the sexual organ; the libido. To just get tested regularly for any and everything is just important to any man so you can be treated, you can be sometimes cured, because lets not forget all about the infections that we've stopped focusing on since the 3 letter acronym came along, and live a better healthy life. You need to know, any man in any position, in my opinion. Enough said.
Dunkin: In light of the high HIV/AIDS rate in the African American communities, what is your opinion on the popularity of bareback porn? Is it something you would do?

Dunkin: Lets clear the rumors, are you and Aarin Driver dating? If so, how long?
Ian: It's funny there are rumors because I've answered this question fully before; but I will again. We are not "dating", we are not "boyfriends"; he is free to do as he pleases sexually as I am. Sometimes we might do a group thing together or separate, again " no shame in the game", the only "commitment" we have is "honesty" that should be in any good friendship. WE ARE: intimate/sexual with each other; a lot. LOL Very good friends, former roommates, fellow adult performers/models, business partners and I've known him going on 7 years now.
Dunkin: A lot of my fans and readers of Dunkin's Playground love older men, do you feel as if you need to compete with the younger models?
Ian: Very interesting question; I feel I'm in "competition" with every model regardless of age because if you bring the sexy and the package and the ability, age should not be a factor. Slowly, but surely, I'm seeing that a little more in porn,the more mature, but still very "hot" man is mainly on the "mainstream" side, but it has to start somewhere. Some people see my age as a hindrance, I've only seen it as something new/different that I can bring to show it not only exists, but exists well in the sexual world...feel me? We all go to work, we are all competing, you just got to make the first impression and make sure you do and what you are contracted to do each and every time, on cue!
Dunkin: Do you ever feel as if your "too old" to do porn? How does it feel when people say you're a "daddy" doing porn?

Dunkin: I've read different places about your penis size, Osian has even said " its the size of a baby's arm". So how big is your penis?
Ian: Funny...Marc Williams said that too when I tried to convince him to let me in his big , brown, hard, muscular ass. I'm sorry, I got distracted. LOL No , here's the facts, I myself have never measured it but others have so I've heard from those people 11 or 12 so I picked the midpoint 11.5; side note size is also affected by how "turned" on I am; the width measurement came from Aarin Driver's suggestion, so 11.5 x 7.
Dunkin: When did you 1st realize you had an extra large penis?
Ian: In junior high, when we first had to "dress out" during gym. LOL
Dunkin: Has anyone ever had any problems taking it?
Ian: Yes, Funny story, I once had this female tell me I was not giving her a "hysterectomy" with that thing...LOL. Most, I run into have a problem taking it all at first and I'm kinda glad cause anyone I can just "fall in", I'm a little scare of them..feel me? LOL
Dunkin: What is the typical reaction you get when your on set? Are the bottoms generally nerves?
Ian: Well, hard to tell. There's usually a lot of starring" and a kind of standard statement made to me that I have to "go easy" or "start out slow" or something to that affect. With some noted exceptions: Aarin Driver, Dylan Saunders. I mean, it is what it is, they are there to perform in their role as I am in mine, so I just focus on doing what I do. I've been asked by directors before to not be as "me" as I can be; not as "forceful" shall we say and I think that's been for the benefit of the bottom.
Dunkin: How would you categorize yourself; gay? bi? straight?
Ian: I'm "interesting", "controversial" , "alternative".
Dunkin: What is your take on the "gay for pay" term in gay porn these days?
Ian: Fallacy. I'm just saying, if you're really straight, other than some "Oprah-esque" type offer of money is going to get you to do that. And I've said it before and will say it again. "hard dick " don't lie; if you're hard, you're turned on and no amount of money I know, got the ability to make my dick hard. LOL I'm just saying.
Dunkin: What are you into sexually? any fetishes?
Ian: They're not fetishes for me but I guess for some; Presentation: sexy underwear, gear, foreplay done and worn with masculinity. Look like you've at least seen a gym, no "Flinstone" waist, not too much hair, I'll be honest, nice ass and thighs do it for me every time but its got to be working together not just one by itself.
Dunkin: What part of the body do you find the sexiest and why?
Ian: The eyes. The "why" is something you have to experience for yourself when you realize how sexy eyes are and can be. I can't explain it any better than that, but a "look" done right, make my dick hard!
Dunkin: I know you're a fitness fanatic, so describe your workout regime. how do I get the "Ian Rock" body?
Ian: 5 days out of 7 in the gym, a few LEGAL supplements, a one a day vitamin and a semi healthy diet. It's "work" but its work I enjoy and can only help me from a health standpoint; the "good look" is the secondary benefit and I think that why I describe myself as a fitness fanatic because I truly work out for the "health" of it.
Dunkin: What is a typical "Ian Rock" day like?
Ian: From my personal training to my professional massage services and the various projects IO have with my friends, my websites, my short term goals and my work out regime, it's hectic, it starts relatively early, about 9AM and always a must have a "delicious" breakfast attached. LOL
Dunkin: Tell Dunkin's Playground something hardly anyone know about you.
Ian: Wow... hard questions, really, let me think... I tan sometimes, in tanning salons. LOL

Dunkin: Being older, do you feel as if you view the industry differently?
Ian: Oh yeah , for sure. That is why I've been very selective in projects I've done or accepted. It's no "slight" to any company or producer, but I've wanted to do the "different" movies and clips that show something different. Case in point, was the leather film I was in,Grind , Vol 1 which was the first and only porn focused on leather with only African American and Latino models. I view the industry as multi faceted and it's been my goal to get "behind the camera"; to build the name recognition and hopefully translate that "name" into curiosity when it comes to something I'm going to write, direct or produce. I have many ideas and I can't wait, and think I may have the opportunity soon to make the goal a reality...wink to Dunkin...smile.
Dunkin: Is there any aspect of the adult you don't like?
Ian: Sometimes the "competition" aspect causes this unneeded drama and subtrifuge between perfomers; we all trying to make our films, get our breaks, whatever we got to do; do you and make sure you do you well in whatever your chosen "role" and ignore all that.
Dunkin: I've noticed your mainly on internet based sites and hardly on DVDs why is that?
Ian: Not sure LOL you tell me? I get some offers and I don't get "some" offers; my selectiveness I know has something I think to do with that and when I use that term, I mean in the projects that I'll consider based on many factors I have use and will continue to use for my career.
Dunkin: If your fans could watch one scene: solo or 1 on 1 which scene would it be?
Ian: I'd recommend 2: Marc Williams Hawaiian Dreams ( IIann and Aaron) and/or Scott Alexander/Ian Rock on DawgpoundUSA.
Dunkin: Is there anything you would like to say to the Dunkin's Playground readers?

Dunkin: How can your fans get in contact with Ian Rock?
Ian: Follow me on twitter: iiaann3000 or hit me up on my blog : www.iiaann3000.blogspot.com ( all other links are listed there) and if interested in professional massage services or personal training; serious inquiries only: www.phdunlimited.ntuitwebsites.com or phdunlimited@gmail.com HOLLA!
If dude really want to stay in the industry he should be verse and get fucked by these white boys in the porn industry.
ReplyDeleteYes Ian we know you got big dick, but dude you look hellah old cut the stash and maybe get a hair cut (does dread locks are so 1990s Janet Jackson video)and maybe that would get you to look 45...
I have to respond. It's so funny because I get these types of comments from people and of course, they never sign who they are.
ReplyDeleteI AM NOT VERSATILE; I AM A TOP. If you have a problem with that, I have no idea what to tell you. I don't get "fucked" by anyone much less regardless of race or color.
As far as your suggestions for my hair? Noted. That's really all I can or will say. I am in the "adult industry"; I don't have to try to "stay". BB6 and Grind, Vol. 1 both won numerous Grabby's and GavYn's(Gay Porn Awards); I follow and am followed by Chi Chi Larue, hands down one of the top and best producers/directors in the business and have been offered more work from her...hate all u want. As well, the work I've done for DawgPound and for PapiThugz is still some of their highest rated and watched work to date.
You have the right and privilege to your opinion and although I may be tempted to sink to your level of "thinking", for lack of a better word and respond with ignorance? I will not give you that satisfaction.
In addition, my career with Dunkin's help and others who I have met, continues to rise and will now move to the next level.
I will NOT compromise my standards or scruples just to get work; I didn't get into porn just for money; I got into because it's something I want to do and enjoy doing. I've received no complaints from either my scene partners or from partners in real life.
So...there it is, take it or leave it and sincerely, thank you for your "colorful", biased, and narrow minded comment.
Alwayz kepn it xexi!!
Ian Rock
ian dont change for anyone i love you just the way you are hair and all and i would be devastated if ever i saw any man top you espeacially a white man you are perfect just the way you are i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels that way i love my nubian prince
ReplyDeleteWhoever posted that first comment, is obviously some pathetic snowqueen, if he actually is not indeed White. Ian does not look "hellah old", he just looks like a mature man. A mature man, in a field where so many of his peers look as if they are just out of high school, the ones that graduated, that is. Many of them look too young, more than Ian looking too old, in Black gayporn in particular. Given how sexy Ian is, the statements by that first fool seem just that, foolish! Most of those considered to be the biggest and hottest sex symbols in mainstream Hollywood, are in their 40s. Halle, Brad, etc. So, grow up, you stupid bitch! Life does not end once you are no longer in your 20s, and getting older is something that we ALL will face.....unless your stupid ass dies beforehand. Ian, you are one of the BEST in porn, Black or White. I hope you continue to do well. I hope you don't do too many more things with that Chi Chi Larue, though, as "she" seems to have a very pig-like view of what is sexy and hot. I absolutely loved BB5, but could not even get through half of BB6, because of all the disgusting spitting, and to this day, have never fully watched it. Keep it real and sexy, Ian....let the White boys keep it nasty and debased.